Preparing For A New Air Conditioner: What You Need To Do

As the weather begins to warm up, you want to start preparing for your new air conditioner install. Before you put your air conditioner in any area of your home, make sure you pick the right location by doing a little preparation beforehand. Here are things you can do to get ready for your AC installation.

Pick the right room

Your air conditioner is rated by the square footage it can cover. This is determined by its BTUs, or the British Thermal Units which tell you how much square footage your unit can keep cold. As a general rule, you need 20 BTUs per square foot to keep a room cool. Measure your rooms and decide which one is best suited for your air conditioner based on how much output it has.

Secure your window

You want to place your air conditioner in a window that will allow for a secure fit and not allow airflow to escape out of it. You can secure your window by using the panels that come with your air conditioner or you can use cardboard or small wood planks to fill in any gaps from your AC unit once it is installed. This helps keep the airflow right where you need it.

In addition to securing a sure fit for your AC unit, you will want to install the right curtains on your window so you can keep heat out of your home while cooling it from within. Energy efficient or blackout curtains block the sun's rays and help trap cool air in your home.

Create breezeways

Your single air conditioner unit will be able to operate more efficiently if you provide proper airflow throughout your room. Do this by shutting doors in rooms you don't need to cool down and by keeping other windows in the home shut. You can pull cool air downward by making sure your ceiling fan is changed to a counter-clockwise rotation for the summer season. There should be a switch on your fan that allows you to change its rotation. Always turn your fan off completely before changing its rotation.

If you are unsure if your new air conditioner will provide you the cooling power you need for your home, talk to an HVAC specialist to help you install it. This can allow you to get the best output out of your appliance and keep your home comfortably cool all season long.
