3 Tips For Taking Care Of Your HVAC Unit When You Have Pets

Obviously, it is probably important to you to make sure that you take good care of your HVAC unit. If you have pets, however, you might not have thought about how they might have an effect on your unit. Pets can cause wear and tear to your HVAC system, but following these tips can help.

Change Air Filters More Frequently

Your HVAC technician might have already told you that it's important to change your air filters often. However, you should probably be changing your air filters more often than you average homeowner if you have pets. This is because pet hair can easily clog up the air filter and prohibit air from passing through as it is supposed to. There are actually heavy-duty air filters on the market that are perfect for pet owners.

Keep Vent Covers on Vents

It is always important to make sure that you have vent covers on your vents and that they are properly screwed down and held in place. A curious cat or other pet could try to explore your ducts, which could cause injury to the pet and damage to your duct work. Additionally, pet toys could find their way into the vents, causing problems and preventing your pet from playing with a favorite ball or other item. Keeping vents covered with appropriately sized vent covers can help prevent these things from being an issue at all.

Have Your Ducts Cleaned

You may not have thought about having your ducts cleaned in a while, but doing so every few years can be smart for any homeowner and can be particularly smart for those who have pets. Pet hair can find its way in your ducts, and it can cause clogs and can be blown all throughout the entire house. Vacuuming the vents regularly can help you get rid of some of the pet hair and dander, but it can be hard to do it thoroughly by yourself. If you hire a company that offers HVAC services to thoroughly clean your ducts, however, you can help avoid any problems. 

If you are a pet owner, there are a few things that you may want to do if you want to take good care of your HVAC unit. Fortunately, if you follow these tips and any other tips that your HVAC repair technician might give you, you should be able to avoid unnecessary problems with your unit.
