How Can You Fix A Noisy Air Conditioner?

While some background noise is to be expected with any air conditioner, it should not intrude on your daily life. An excessive rattling, blowing or humming sound typically indicates a problem somewhere within the system, which can be fixed. By isolating the issue yourself or calling in an air conditioner repair expert, you should be able to restore your home to its normal, quiet self without suffering from the heat. 

Tightening Screws

Over time, even the most efficient air conditioning units settle into their surroundings and loosen up as a result. Rattling or buzzing noises are usually caused by duct work that is no longer secure, or loose screws on the unit itself. Grab a screwdriver and follow your home's ducts, tightening screws as you go. This simple act of maintenance may solve the problem before you need to seek professional advice. 

Sweeping Out Dust

The air carried through your air conditioning system inevitably deposits dust in every available nook and cranny. Over several years, this dust can add up to a substantial impediment for your unit. Dirty coil fins, for example, operate less efficiently, forcing your unit to work harder and more loudly to compensate. The same is true for fans that are weighed down by dust, and ducts that are clogged with it. Cleaning your system thoroughly before summer each year can not only reduce its noise, but also give you a chance to catch any new troubles while there is still time to repair them. 

Checking the Fan

Your air conditioner relies on fans to circulate cold air throughout your home. Because it is constantly moving, this fan is a likely place for minor malfunctions to generate a lot of noise. Check that the fan blades are not rubbing against their housing or clogged with debris, and that the fan itself has not come loose and begun to vibrate. A grinding noise coming from inside the fan's motor points to worn bearings, which can be replaced fairly easily. 

Spotting Refrigerant Leaks

If you hear a hissing noise coming from your air conditioner, you may be dealing with a refrigerant leak. Freon, the fluid responsible for cooling the air in your home, is transported under pressure through the system and jostled back and forth inside refrigerant lines. When a line springs a leak, it will begin hissing as refrigerant escapes under pressure. The louder the hissing, the bigger the problem. Because Freon can be dangerous to work with, you should enlist help from an air conditioner repair specialist to find and seal the leak. 
