4 AC Care Tips for the Cold Winter Months to Have Fewer Problems When Spring Arrives

During the cold winter months, you will want to be careful with your HVAC systems and make sure that maintenance gets done. The maintenance needs to be done not only to your heating but to your AC as well. Good winter AC maintenance will help ensure you do not have problems with your AC when the weather outside becomes warmer during the spring months. Here are some winter AC care tips to help make sure you do not have problems when the weather gets warmer this spring.

7 Mistakes To Avoid When You're On The Market For A New Air Conditioner

When you purchase a new air conditioner for your home, you're probably going to expect your new unit to last for a long time. It's therefore important to avoid mistakes in your purchase because it's going to impact your household for many years to come. The following are seven mistakes to avoid when you're on the market for a new air conditioner so that you end up with the best unit for your needs.

3 Questions Your HVAC Tech Might Ask When Coming Out For Repairs

If you're having trouble with your HVAC unit, you have probably called a local HVAC company to send someone out to make repairs. When your HVAC technician arrives, he or she might ask you a few questions. These are some of the questions that you might be asked. 1. What Kind of Problems are You Having? Even though your HVAC technician can take a look at your entire system to see if there are any problems, he or she might be looking for a starting point for determining the issues with your unit.

Old House, New AC Installation? Duct Decoy Tips You Need To Know

Older homes have a special appeal that is often lacking in new designs. Many of them have beautiful features and details, such as larger windows, higher ceilings, and extravagantly detailed woodwork that is difficult to find in new homes.  But newer homes do have something that most older homes lack—an efficient central air conditioning system. If you already own an older home that does not have air conditioning or are planning to purchase one soon, you should know that installing the air ducts for the system can be one of the biggest challenges when adding an air conditioning system.

Skunked Air Conditioning Unit – What Do You Do Now?

The common skunk: small package, huge threat! It only takes seconds to know that a skunk has sprayed anywhere near your home, but when it sprays the central air conditioning unit behind your house, you'll not only know immediately, but you're going to be reminded every single time you turn on the air to cool your home. If your air conditioning unit has been sprayed by a skunk, you're desperately going to be looking for help.